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By John Robert Greene

Born in 1913 in Yorba Linda, California, Richard Nixon grew to become the thirty seventh president of the us. After successful a moment time period in place of work in 1972, he was once compelled to surrender on the danger of impeachment for his involvement with the Watergate scandal. vice chairman Gerald Ford stepped in as appearing president, yet had little luck gaining want with the yankee public as they recovered from either the scandal of his predecessor and the Vietnam warfare. "The Nixon-Ford Years" is an informative connection with those administrations. a bit of greater than 350 biographical entries covers the entire key personalities hooked up to that management; a chronology spans the background of the management; and a large appendix comprises very important files corresponding to inaugural addresses, vital presidential speeches, tables directory the participants of the White residence employees, cupboard contributors, contributors of Congress and the Senate, and extra. Biographical entries comprise: Spiro T. Agnew; Carl Bernstein; Archibald Cox; John D. Ehrlichman; William Mark Felt; Alexander Haig; James R. Hoffa; E. Howard Hunt; Henry A. Kissinger; Edmund Muskie; Gloria Steinem; Robert Woodward; and lots of others.

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The Nixon-ford Years (Presidential Profiles) by John Robert Greene

by Richard

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